Author: admin

  • At What Age Should A Dog Take Canine Good Citizen Test?

    At What Age Should A Dog Take Canine Good Citizen Test?

    {{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} {{placeholder content=’e3ticml6eV9kY19wb3N0X3RpdGxlfX0=’}} When it comes to the Canine Good Citizen (CGC) program, many dog owners wonder at what age their pup can take the test. The answer is simple: there is no age limit for the CGC test. The American Kennel Club (AKC), which developed the CGC program, designed it to…

  • Agility Competitions: What to Expect and How to Prepare

    Agility Competitions: What to Expect and How to Prepare

    Agility competitions are thrilling events that showcase the incredible athleticism, teamwork, and precision of dogs and their handlers. Whether you’re a seasoned competitor or considering entering your first agility trial, understanding what to expect and how to prepare is key to success. In this blog post, we will guide you through the exciting world of…

  • The Benefits of Cross-Training for Competition Obedience: Agility and Nose Work®

    The Benefits of Cross-Training for Competition Obedience: Agility and Nose Work®

    Cross-training is a popular training technique that involves practicing more than one activity to achieve a common goal. In the world of competition obedience, cross-training can be an effective way to improve a dog’s skills and enhance their overall performance. While obedience training is crucial for any competitive dog, incorporating other activities such as agility…

  • Is Canine Good Citizen Worth It?

    Is Canine Good Citizen Worth It?

    If you’re a pet owner who wants to ensure that your furry friend is well-behaved and sociable in public places, then the Canine Good Citizen (CGC) program might be worth considering. The CGC program is an obedience training program developed by the American Kennel Club (AKC) to promote responsible dog ownership and well-behaved dogs in…

  • A Beginner’s Guide to Competition Obedience for Dogs

    A Beginner’s Guide to Competition Obedience for Dogs

    Competition obedience is an exciting activity for both dogs and their owners. It requires hard work, dedication, and a strong bond between you and your furry friend. If you’re new to the sport, it can seem intimidating. But with the right guidance and training, you and your dog can become successful competitors. The first step…

  • Agility Training as Mental Stimulation: Keeping Your Dog’s Mind Sharp

    Agility Training as Mental Stimulation: Keeping Your Dog’s Mind Sharp

    Agility training is not just about physical exercise and obstacle courses; it’s also a fantastic way to provide mental stimulation for your furry companion. Dogs are intelligent creatures who thrive on mental challenges, and agility training offers an excellent opportunity to engage their minds while keeping their bodies active. In this blog post, we will…

  • Rally Obedience vs. Traditional Obedience: What’s the Difference?

    Rally Obedience vs. Traditional Obedience: What’s the Difference?

    Rally obedience and traditional obedience are two popular forms of dog training that focus on improving a dog’s behavior and obedience. While both types of training have similarities, they also have several key differences. Traditional obedience training focuses on teaching dogs specific commands and behaviors, such as “sit,” “stay,” and “come.” The dog is expected…

  • Understanding the Differences Between Canine Good Citizen and Therapy Dog Certification

    Understanding the Differences Between Canine Good Citizen and Therapy Dog Certification

    As dog owners, we all want our furry companions to be well-behaved and make a positive impact on the world around us. Two programs that can help achieve this goal are Canine Good Citizen (CGC) and therapy dog certification. While they may seem similar, there are key differences between the two programs. Understanding these differences…

  • K9 Nose Work®: Not Just for Police Dogs

    K9 Nose Work®: Not Just for Police Dogs

    K9 Nose Work®, also known as scent work, is a fun and exciting activity that any dog can enjoy. Many people believe that Nose Work® is only for police or working dogs, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, the AKC now offers official scent work trials for all dogs, regardless of…

  • Agility Training for Different Breeds: Understanding How to Tailor Training for Your Dog

    Agility Training for Different Breeds: Understanding How to Tailor Training for Your Dog

    Agility training is a great way to bond with your dog while also providing them with physical and mental stimulation. However, different breeds of dogs have different strengths and weaknesses, which can impact their ability to excel in agility training. Herding breeds, such as Border Collies and Australian Shepherds, tend to excel in agility training…