With Sheryl Benson
Tricks Class is open to anyone interested in training their dog and improving their communication skills and there is so much more to learn beyond sit and stay! You and your dog will learn tricks that are appropriate for your dog’s abilities, age, temperament, and health. There will be no set curriculum forcing you to work on something you may not be interested in learning. The instructor will provide individual attention and you will move at your own pace. You will learn the foundation of how to train tricks to your dog by breaking down complicated tricks into parts and seeing the trick result when the parts are put together. Trick training will build confidence and ultimately lead to success as dogs master skills in a step-by-step process.
Tricks Class can even be beneficial for dogs who are normally fearful or nervous. While your dog is learning tricks and problem solving, he will be gaining more trust in you and your ability to communicate clearly with him, which ultimately results in reduced anxiety and stress.
You will form a closer bond with your dog and have fun in the process!
Canine Freestyle is Dancing with your dog or in the UK-Heelwork to Music! In the beginner class, we build a solid foundation of tricks, combined
with heelwork and then put it together with music that suits you and your dog. We will work on building sequences of tricks and heelwork. This sport can be done by anyone who can heel in a straight line or has two left feet when dancing. It builds confidence and deepens your partnership with your dog. Come and have fun with your dog! Basic Obedience and the ability to be on leash is required.
Starting Date | Day | Time | Instructor | Status |
New Class September 3, 2024 | Tuesday | 4:00 - 4:45 PM | Sheryl Benson | FULL |
Starting Date | Day | Time | Instructor | Status |
New Tricks Class October 3, 2024 | Thursday | 3:00 pm - 3:45 pm | Sheryl Benson | OPEN |
Starting Date | Day | Time | Instructor | Status |
Ongoing | Tuesday | 3:00 pm - 3:45 PM | Sheryl Benson | Ongoing |
Starting Date | Day | Time | Instructor | Status |
New Class September 21, 2024 | Saturday | 3:00 pm | Matt McNamara | OPEN |
Starting Date | Day | Time | Instructor | Status |
Ongoing | Thursday | 6:00 - 6:45 PM | Sheryl Benson | Ongoing |